Score: 5.0 (votes: 7)
Reviews: 7
Texas Trail Ride Gift Box is a perfect gift for a long Texas road trip, or your favorite college student.
Texas Trail Ride Gift Box is a perfect gift for a long Texas road trip, or your favorite college student.
This gift is filled with the following items:
- Shār Impossibly Good Trail Mix Tube
- Lone Star Snack Mix
- Wildway Granola
- Thunderbird Bar
- Bearded Brothers Food Bar
- Lammes Candies Big Chew Texas Chewy Praline
- Goodart's Peanut Patty
- PUREProStick - The OG Beef Stick
- Chinook Single Serving Sunflower Seeds
- Uncle Ervin's Beef Jerky
This gift will be shipped in the shipping box as pictured. You can leave a gift message at the last step during checkout.