Smokin' Mary

Who doesn't love a big, plump, juicy tomato? That's what it takes, and lots of ‘em. The love of tomatoes, a fondness for the Bloody Mary, and the frustration with conventional Bloody Mary mixes called for a new era. After intensive recipe testing and a bit more tasting than we care to admit, Smokin’ Mary was launched.

Once upon a time, there was a wholesome girl growing up on a dairy farm in Northern California. Her name was (and still is) Laurie. She remembers her mom tending a vibrant tomato garden. Those earthy days of ripe red fruit are among the best memories of her childhood. That garden is where this saucy tomato learned many of her best practices. A love of fresh produce lead to a love of gourmet foods—dishes crafted with flair for flavor and a love for the friends and family enjoying them.Eventually, Laurie married a guy named Marc. A man who is skilled in the ways of professional kitchens, Marc also has a smoker. And one day, Laurie turned up with way too many tomatoes.

They looked at the tomatoes, looked at the smoker, and something clicked. Laurie and Marc began working on a recipe for smoked tomato goodness. As big fans of sharing fabulous food and lively libations, it was a natural that this pair would devise a killer Bloody Mary mix. Passion, craft and a dedication to flavor unite. The result is Smokin’ Mary, which you can share with your friends for fun and festivities.

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