Bear Creek Smokehouse

Nestled in the East Texas piney woods of Bear Bottom four generations of family tradition surrounds Bear Creek Smokehouse. Originating with Hick and Nellie Shoults who raised and cured their own smoked meats, the smokehouse has grown from a backyard smokehouse with 600 birds in 1943 to today’s large facility producing a wide variety of smoked delights though never compromising the quality and taste of the “old-fashioned” way of hickory-smoking.

Their first customers were local grocers and orders placed at the local Agricultural Extension office, but now, their customers number in the thousands for mail order, fax, internet, and phone orders. Locally the salesroom presents the Shoults’ down-home country atmosphere their next generation traditional values promote.

Each year the holiday season brings an enticing rush of excitement to the smokehouse and the after-season letdown of exhaustion only heightens the sense of knowing that Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year’s dinner tables around the country were once again fragrant and filled with Bear Creek Smokehouse tradition. 


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